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Is Electric Skateboarding Good For Exercise?


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Electric skateboarding has become increasingly popular in recent years, with people using them for leisure, commuting, and even exercise. But the question remains: is riding an electric skateboard or skateboarding a good move for exercise? In this article, we will explore the benefits of electric skateboarding as exercise, factors to consider before starting, and how to an electric skateboard regularly incorporate it into a fitness routine.

Ultimately, there are many potential other health benefits that are already associated with electric skateboarding that make it an ideal activity for keeping physically fit and healthy. With so much potential upside from enjoying this activity, let’s dive into the details and find out if electric skateboarding really does provide any genuine exercise value.

What Is Electric Skateboarding?

Electric skateboarding is a popular mode of transportation and recreation that involves riding a skateboard equipped with an electric motor.

These motors are powered by rechargeable batteries, allowing riders to travel at speeds of up to 20-25 miles per for about an hour without pushing off with their feet.

Electric skateboards are controlled by a handheld remote, which allows riders to accelerate, brake, and steer their boards.

They come in various sizes and shapes, with some models designed for off-road terrain or for commuting in urban environments.

How Does Electric Skateboarding Differ From Traditional Skateboarding?

Electric skateboarding differs from traditional skateboarding in several ways.

Firstly, electric skateboards are powered by an electric motor, while traditional skateboards require the rider to push off with their feet to gain momentum. This means that electric skateboarding can be less physically demanding than traditional skateboarding, as the skateboard riders do not need to constantly push with their legs.

Secondly, electric skateboards often have larger and softer wheels than traditional skateboards, which can provide a smoother ride and better shock absorption. This makes electric skateboarding more suitable for longer rides or commuting on rougher terrain.

Thirdly, electric skateboards are controlled by a handheld remote, which allows the rider to control the speed and direction of the board. Traditional skateboarding, on the other hand, relies solely on the rider’s body movements to steer and control the board.

Additionally, electric skateboarding often requires less skill and experience than traditional skateboarding, as riders do not need to master certain techniques such different tricks such as ollies or kickflips. However, electric skateboarding still requires a certain level of skill and balance, and riders should be aware of their surroundings and follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents.

How Many Calories Burned During Electric Skateboarding

Electric skateboarding can be an effective form of exercise and can help you lose weight and burn more calories too, depending on several factors. The number of calories burned losing weight and burning calories during electric skateboarding will vary based on the rider’s weight, the intensity of the ride, and the duration of the ride.

According to a study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), electric skateboarding can burn between 5 calories and 10 calories per minute for a rider who weighs 150 pounds. This means that a 30-minute ride could easily burn anywhere between 150 calories and 300 calories, depending on the intensity of the ride.

However, it is important to note that electric skateboarding may not be as intense of a workout as traditional skateboarding or other forms of exercise such as running or cycling.

Muscles Worked During Electric Skateboarding

Using electric skateboards requires keeping your whole body well balanced as you ride. This works out core muscle groups such hamstring muscles such as the abdominal muscles and back muscles, which help support posture when skating.

As well several benefits such as increasing muscular strength by working on maintaining balance and body posture during turns or jumps, this also builds muscle strength, up endurance levels and boosts overall coordination skills.

Additionally, having good control over a board can lead to improved confidence both on and off the board.

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Impact On Cardiovascular Health

Electric skateboarding can have a positive impact on cardiovascular and other health benefits, as it is a form of aerobic exercise that gets the heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the whole body.

When riding an electric skateboard, the rider body’s heart rate will increase as much energy they exert themselves, even if the motor is providing some assistance.

This increase in heart rate good exercise can lead to improved cardiovascular health, as regular aerobic exercise has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Electric skateboarding can provide a fun and engaging way to incorporate physical activity into daily life, which can lead to both weight loss and improved overall physical and mental health and well-being.

Regular exercise, including electric skateboarding, has been shown to reduce stress, for weight loss improve sleep quality, and boost mood and cognitive function.

Electric Skateboarding As A Low-Impact Exercise

Electric skateboarding is gaining popularity as a form of low-impact exercise, with many people seeing it as a good way to get some physical activity while having fun.

Skateboarding can help you burn more calories, and maintain balance and body balanced too, making it an effective workout for those who want to stay in shape without putting too much strain on their bodies.

Skateboarders often use different muscles and body part than they would when doing other kinds of exercises, such as running or weight lifting. This helps them to target specific areas for toning and strengthening their body.

It also allows them to engage in activities that are more enjoyable than just going through the motions on a treadmill or elliptical machine.

Plus, skating outdoors gives you access to fresh air and natural light which can improve your mood and overall health.

Safety Considerations

Safety considerations must be taken into account when it comes to electric skateboarding as a form of exercise. Skating on a regular skateboard, electric skateboard, or an an electric skateboard riding performance on board regularly can provide a low-impact workout and even trim down your waistline.

However, if you go skateboarding burn you’re not careful, performing skateboarding tricks or trying to balance on the board could lead to serious injuries.

For instance, riders should always wear protective gear such as helmets and pads when riding their boards at any speed.

It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the terrain before attempting any risky stunts or moves which may cause injury.

Moreover, make sure that there is enough space around you while performing any trick so that no one else gets hurt in case of a fall.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Electric Skateboarding As Exercise

Electric skateboarding can be a good workout and a fun and engaging way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and improve your overall health and fitness. Here are some tips for getting the most out of electric skateboarding as exercise:

Wear proper safety gear:

Before you start riding, make sure you have the proper safety gear such as a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads. This will protect you from injury and allow you to ride with confidence.

Start slowly:

If you are new to electric skateboarding, start with short rides at a slower pace and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your rides as you become more comfortable and experienced.

Incorporate interval training:

To get the most out of your electric skateboard workout, try incorporating interval training into your electric skateboard and rides. This involves alternating between periods of high-intensity riding and periods of lower-intensity recovery riding.

Choose challenging routes:

To increase the intensity of your rides, choose routes with hills or other obstacles that will challenge you physically and mentally.

Mix up your workouts:

To avoid getting bored and challenging different muscle groups, mix up your electric skateboard workouts by varying the route, intensity, and duration of your rides.

Benefits of Using an Electric skateboard

Electric skateboarding is becoming increasingly popular among commuters and leisure enthusiasts alike. Here are some of the key benefits of using an electric skateboard:

  1. Convenience: Electric skateboards are an excellent mode of transportation as they are easy to carry and maneuver. They are compact, lightweight, and can be stored easily in small spaces, making them an ideal option for urban commuters.
  2. Eco-Friendly: Unlike cars, electric skateboards do not emit any pollutants or harmful gases, making them an eco-friendly option. Using an electric skateboard instead of a car can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.
  3. Cost-Effective: Electric skateboards are relatively affordable when compared to other modes of transportation. They require minimal maintenance and do not require fuel or parking expenses, making them an economical option for commuting or leisure activities.


Electric skateboarding can be an effective form of exercise, but it comes with its own set of safety considerations. When performed correctly and in a safe environment, electric skateboarding can provide a low-impact workout that can help improve cardiovascular health, tone muscles and burn calories. To get the most out of this activity as a form of exercise, riders should make sure to wear protective gear and ride at speeds appropriate for their skill level.

Click here to Read our Article on Everything you need to know before purchasing a electric skateboard 

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