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Hub Motor OR Mid Drive Motor – Which Is Best For You?

Electric bikes have become increasingly popular over the years as a form of transportation and recreation. They offer the convenience of a traditional bicycle with the added power of an electric motor, allowing riders to travel faster and farther with less effort.

One important decision when choosing an electric bike is deciding between a hub drive ebike motor and a mid-drive motor. In this discussion, we will explore the differences between these two types of e bike motors, and help you decide which is best for your needs.

Hub-Drive Motor Electric Bikes

Rear hub motors, or hub drive motors, are a popular choice for electric bikes. These types of motors are typically mounted within the rear wheel of the bike, and provide power to the wheel directly.

This makes them easy to install and maintain, as well as providing good power output in a relatively lightweight form factor.

Because of this design, hub drive motor bikes tend to be very efficient and can reach higher speeds than mid-drive electric bikes with the same battery capacity.

They also don’t require pedaling assistance like some mid-drive models do – you can just switch on the motor and go!

Mid-Drive Motor Electric Bikes

Mid-drive motor electric road bikes or mid drive e bikes, also known as “central motor” electric bikes, feature a motor that is located in the center of the bike’s frame, usually in the bottom bracket area where the pedals connect to the frame.

This type of motor is connected to the bike’s drivetrain and powers the bike’s chain to turn the rear wheel.

Mid-drive motors are typically more efficient and provide better handling and balance than front hub motors, especially on hills and steep terrain.

They can also offer a more natural feel to the rider, as the motor assists the rider’s pedaling effort directly, rather than driving the wheel independently.

Mid-drive motor e-bikes also tend to be more expensive than hub motor e-bikes due to the complexity of the motor and drive system and the need for a higher-quality bike frame to handle the increased stress and torque.

However, for riders who prioritize performance and handling, mid-drive motor e-bikes are often the preferred choice.

What’s The Difference Between A Hub-Motor And Mid-Drive E-Bike?

The main difference between a hub motor mid drive motor system on ebike and a mid-drive motor on an e-bike is their location and how they power the bike.

A hub motor is located in the wheel hub, either in the front or rear wheel, and directly powers the wheel to turn it.

On the other hand, a mid-drive motor is located near the bike’s pedals and powers the bike through the chain and gears.

Hub motors are generally simpler and less expensive, but they tend to be less efficient and have lower torque, making them less suitable for steep hills or off-road terrain. They also add weight to the wheel, which can affect the bike’s balance and handling.

However, hub motors are great for leisurely rides on flat terrain and are often found on lower-priced e-bikes.

Mid-drive motors, on the other hand, are generally more efficient, powerful, and better suited for steep hills or off-road terrain. They take advantage of the bike’s gears, allowing the motor to work more efficiently and provide better torque.

Moreover, mid-drive motors tend to be more complex and expensive, and they require more maintenance. They are often found on higher-end e-bikes that are designed for performance and versatility.

Mid-Drive Or Hub Motor – Which Should I Choose?

If you’re searching for an e-bike motor that delivers maximum performance and responsiveness, then a mid-drive motor is likely the better choice.

This type of motor is designed to provide a similar feel to a traditional pedal bike, making it a great option for more experienced riders who want to maintain the same level of control and maneuverability as they would on a regular bike.

On the other hand, hub motors are well-suited to riders who don’t require the highest levels of performance but still want the convenience of an electric assist. These gearless hub motors are generally smaller and lighter, allowing for a more streamlined bike design.

This also means that the batteries used in electric mountain bikes with hub motors can be smaller and lighter, making the hub drives entire e-bike more agile and easier to handle.

However, the lower battery capacity of hub motors can sometimes result in a reduced range, and the motor itself may not be able to provide as much assistance per pedal stroke when pushed to its maximum setting. Despite these limitations, hub motors are an ideal choice for urban commuters.

Advantages Of Hub Drive

Hub motors have several advantages that make them a popular choice for certain types of electric bikes. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Simplicity:

Hub motors are relatively simple in design, with fewer moving parts than mid-drive motors. This makes them easier to manufacture and maintain.

  1. Lightweight:

Hub motors are often lighter than mid-drive motors, which can help to reduce the overall weight of the electric bike. This can be particularly important for folding or portable e-bikes.

  1. Inexpensive:

Hub motors are generally less expensive to produce than mid-drive motors, which can make them a more affordable option for consumers.

  1. Easy installation:

Hub motors are relatively easy to install on an electric bike, as they simply need to be mounted on the hub motor bikes rear or front wheel.

  1. Quiet operation:

Hub motors are generally quieter than mid-drive motors, as they are located away from the drivetrain and do not need to shift gears.

Overall, hub motors are a great choice for riders who prioritize simplicity, affordability, and ease of maintenance. They are particularly well-suited for city and commuter bikes, as well as folding or portable e-bikes.

Disadvantages Of Hub Drive

Here are some common disadvantages of hub drive motors:

  1. Weight Distribution:

With the motor situated in the wheel hub, the weight of the motor and the battery is concentrated at one point, leading to uneven weight distribution. This can negatively impact the handling and stability of the bike, especially in turns or at high speeds.

  1. Limited Torque:

Hub drive motors typically have limited torque compared to mid-drive motors, which can make it more difficult to climb hills or accelerate quickly.

  1. Maintenance Challenges:

Maintenance can be more challenging with a hub motor, as any repairs or replacements will require disassembling the wheel. This can make it more difficult and time-consuming for a bike mechanic to perform maintenance tasks, potentially leading to higher repair costs.

  1. Limited Gearing Options:

With a hub motor, the rider is limited in their gearing options, as the motor directly drives the wheel. This can make it harder to optimize the bike for different terrain and riding styles.

  1. Higher Unsprung Weight:

The weight of the hub motor and battery is considered “unsprung weight,” which means that it’s not supported by the bike’s suspension. This can negatively impact the bike’s ride quality, especially over bumpy or uneven terrain.

Advantages Of Mid Drive

Mid-drive motors offer several advantages over hub motors:

  1. Better Performance:

Mid-drive motors are known for their higher performance and torque compared to similarly powered hub motors. This is because mid-drive motors drive the bike’s crank, multiplying their power and allowing them to take better advantage of the bike’s existing gears.

  1. Improved Handling:

Mid-drive motors are positioned close to the bike’s center of gravity and low to the ground. This helps improve the overall handling of the electric bike by better distributing the weight.

  1. Easy Maintenance:

Mid-drive motors are designed to make maintenance and service extremely easy. The entire motor assembly can be removed and replaced by simply taking out two special bolts, without affecting any other aspect of the bike. This makes troubleshooting and repairs easy for regular bike shops.

  1. Longer Range:

Mid-drive motors are generally more efficient than hub motors, which means they can offer a longer range from the same battery capacity.

  1. Better Climbing Ability:

Mid-drive motors offer better climbing ability than hub motors. Since mid-drive motors drive the bike’s crank, they can deliver more power and torque to the pedals, making it easier to climb steep hills.

Overall, mid-drive motors are a great choice for those who want high performance, better handling, and easier maintenance. They are especially suitable for riders who frequently tackle hills and varied terrain.

Disadvantages Of Mid Drive

Here are some potential disadvantages of mid-drive motors:

  1. Cost:

Mid-drive motors tend to be more expensive than hub motors, which can make them less accessible for some buyers.

  1. Maintenance:

While mid-drive motors can be easier to service and maintain than hub motors in some cases, they may also require more maintenance in the long run due to their more complex design and the fact that they are more exposed to dirt, debris, and other elements.

  1. Noise:

Some mid-drive motors can be noisier than hub motors, particularly at high speeds or when operating at maximum power.

  1. Gear Wear:

Mid-drive motors can cause increased wear and tear on your bike’s chain, cassette, and other components due to the increased torque and power they generate.

  1. Riding style:

Mid-drive motors may not be the best choice for all types of riding. For example, if you primarily ride on flat roads or use your e-bike for commuting, a hub motor may be a better choice since it can offer a more efficient and streamlined riding experience.


Are hub motors more efficient?

Nevertheless, electrical motors are installed on the wheel rotation axis (or in a bicycle, in a spherical position), thus improving performance. Reduced power demand. Increased traction.

How long does a hub motor last?

Hub motors have a lifespan that can vary based on a few factors, such as the quality of the motor and how frequently it is used. Geared hub motors, in particular, may need to be replaced sooner than mid-drive hub motors due to the increased internal rotation of the gears.

Are hub motors noisy?

This sort of a hub motor e bike may have some small noise difficulties (for e-bikes). It’s worth noting that geared hub motor e-bikes make a noise similar to a city trolley accelerating, but the volume is very low. It may appear obvious in comparison to a direct drive hub motor ebike though.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between hub-drive and mid-drive electric bikes, it really depends on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Hub-drive motors offer a simpler setup, with less maintenance required and the ability to easily swap out wheels.

Mid-drive motors provide better power delivery and increased torque for climbing hills, as well as greater stability when riding at higher speeds.

Ultimately, both types of motor have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider each option carefully before making a purchase.


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