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Electric Bike not Working – Here’s Why It’s Not Working

Electric bikes may suddenly stop working for a variety of reasons. If you’re wondering why your electric bike has stopped functioning, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we will discuss all these issues in detail, read on to find out more about how you can prevent an unexpected breakdown of your beloved e-bike!

  1. Check Battery Pack

To determine if the battery is at fault, it’s important to check its voltage. If it’s lower than what is specified by the manufacturer, then the old battery needs to be recharged or replaced.

Additionally, it could be due to a problem with the Battery Management System (BMS). This system regulates and monitors all aspects of charging and discharging a rechargeable battery; if there is an issue with this system, then the battery won’t function correctly.

Fortunately, these issues can be easily solved by properly diagnosing and resolving any problems with either the Battery Pack or Battery Management System.

It’s important to understand these components in order to ensure that your electric bike stays running smoothly ride safely and reliably.

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  1. Damaged Cells In The Battery Pack

Individual cells within an e-bike’s battery pack may sustain damage due to various factors such as exposure to high voltage, uneven discharge, overheating, or physical impact. When this happens, it can negatively affect the performance of the entire power system.

One common symptom of a damaged cell is rapid power drainage, which can cause the e-bike to suddenly stop working due to a lack of sufficient wattage from the battery pack. Additionally, if surging currents from failing batteries are passed on to other components such as the motor, it can lead to damage to these parts as well.

It’s important to be mindful of any signs of damage to your e-bike’s battery pack and to take appropriate measures such as replacing damaged cells or seeking professional repair services to prevent further complications. Regular maintenance and safe usage practices can also help to extend the lifespan of your e-bike’s battery pack and ensure optimal performance

  1. Check On The Voltage

If your electric bicycle isn’t working, checking the voltage of your battery is a great place to start. Voltage is a measure of the electrical energy stored in a battery and can tell you whether or not it’s functioning properly.

Oftentimes, if the battery voltage itself is too low, then the battery won’t be able to power your bike. If this is the case, then you’ll need to charge it using a battery charger.

You should also check for any circuit breakers that have been tripped since these can prevent electricity from flowing through the system properly.

Circuit breakers are designed as safety measures and they’re often triggered when there’s an overload of current due to an issue with the wiring or other components of your electric bicycle. If you find any tripped circuit breaker breakers, then reset them before trying to ride again.

  1. Check The Wiring And Connections

If you’re facing an electric bike problem that doesn’t relate to battery maintenance, it’s essential to check your wire connections first. A loose connection or damaged wires can disrupt the signals between all the wires, battery, controller full throttle, and motor, which is a common issue with electric bike kits.

Since most of the components are individually manufactured and then installed by the user, you should refer to the manual, check for any loose wires or wiring, and reconnect them as necessary.

In particular, you should pay attention to your brake levers. If your handlebars have been damaged, they may be pulling on the brake levers and causing the motor inhibitor switch to remain in a permanent “on” position. If that’s the case, you’ll need to repair your brake levers.

  1. Check The Battery Charger Port

When an electric bike stops working, it’s important to check the battery charger. This is because many issues related to electric bikes stem from a lack of power or a faulty connection.

By checking the battery charger, you can determine if the problem is related to battery power and whether the battery charger and charging port of all connections itself is working correctly.

First, make sure that the charger is being charged properly and plugged into a functioning outlet. If it’s not plugged in and charged properly, it won’t be able to charge the bike’s battery.

Once plugged in, check that the light on the charger is illuminated, as this indicates that it’s actively charging the new battery. You should also take note of how long it has been plugged in and consider if this could be impacting your bike’s battery life.

Finally, check for any signs of damage or lose connections on both ends of the cord from your wall outlet to e-bike works, to the charging port to your bike’s charger to the charging port itself.

Inspect both ends for fraying or corrosion which may indicate that the cord needs replacing or repairing before use.

If all else fails and you are still having difficulty with your electric bike, then contact an experienced technician for further help and advice.

  1. Troubleshooting The Brake Motor Inhibitor

If your electric bike has stopped working, it’s likely due to an issue with the brake lever or motor inhibitor. This device is a safety feature that prevents the motor from running when the brake levers are engaged.

It’s important to know how to troubleshoot the brake motor inhibitor if you’re having issues with your e-bike.

To begin, check the motor inhibitor switch: make sure the switch is in the ‘On’ position and that it’s properly connected to the brake cable.

You should also take a look at any visible wires leading from the brakes and make sure they’re properly attached. If everything looks good but your bike still isn’t working, then it might be time to get a replacement part for your brake motor inhibitor.

Finding a quality replacement part for your e-bike can be challenging, so make sure you shop around for one that meets all of your new e-bike’ needs and fits within your budget.

Take time to research reputable brands, read customer reviews, and compare prices before making a purchase.

That way, you know you’ll be getting a reliable part for your electric bike that will last for years to come!

  1. Troubleshooting The Throttle

Electric bicycles (e-bikes) often feature a throttle control, or throttle system control panel which allows the bike and riders to control the speed of the bike by twisting the throttle.

However, repeatedly overusing the throttle control can cause it to become stuck in the “on” position and fail to return to the off position on its own. This can eventually lead to damage or loosening of the throttle, resulting in power cut-offs.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that riders use the twist throttle by pulling the brake lever or slightly bending it back and then slowly releasing it back to its original position once they are finished. This will help to avoid the throttle becoming stuck in the “on” position.

If you notice that the throttle is feeling loose or not responding properly, it may be necessary to replace it. Before doing so, it is important to test whether or not the throttle is receiving steady power so that you can be sure that the issue is with the throttle itself.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your ebike remains safe and reliable for your rides.

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  1. Check The On/Off Switch

If your electric bike (e-bike) isn’t working, you should start by checking the on/off power switch first. This is a small switch usually located near the rear wheel or handlebars and it’s used to activate the motor inhibitor.

The motor inhibitor works to allow or prevent power flow from the battery to the motor. It’s important for both the safety and operation of the e-bike that this switch is in the correct position.

If the switch is not in the correct position, then electricity will not be able to flow from the battery to power your e-bike. It may appear as if nothing is happening when you try to turn on the e-bike even though other parts are functioning correctly. In this case, simply switching it back to its original position should fix this issue.

  1. Controller Issues

When it comes to electric bikes, controller issues can sometimes be the reason why they stop working. Controllers regulate the speed of e-bikes and if they malfunction, the electric bike just won’t work.

This is why it’s important to check the controller before looking for other possible causes when an electric bike stops working.

There are a few signs that might point to a controller issue as the cause for your e-bike not working. If your electric bike’s motor isn’t responding at all when you press on the accelerator, then there’s a good chance that the controller is faulty.

Further indications include humming sounds coming from the motor or the indicator lights are flickering on and off on the display screen of your bike.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it may be worth having a look at your e-bike’s controller.

If it turns out that there is an issue with the controller, then you’ll likely need to have it replaced in order to get your e-bike back up and running again.

  1. Pedal Assist Issues

Pedal assist issues can be a common cause of electric bikes not working. When troubleshooting common electric bike problems, it’s important to identify whether the problem is with the pedal assist system or with another component of the electric bike itself.

The pedal assist system on e-bikes is responsible for providing power when pedaling, so it’s essential that this feature of e-bikes works correctly. If the bike isn’t providing any power transfer or assistance when pedalling, then the pedal assist system may be having trouble.

This could mean a faulty connection between the speed sensor and the motor and controller, or a defective motor or controller itself.

If you think your electric bike has a pedal assist issue, there are some simple troubleshooting steps you can take.

Check all connections between components and make sure nothing is loose or damaged. Check for any error codes on the display and look up what they mean in the user manual. You should also check if there are any software updates available for your bike’s controller.

Taking these steps can help diagnose any issues with your pedal assist system so you can get back on your bike again soon!


To conclude, electric bikes can stop working for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, these issues stem from the rear hub motor, e-bike battery, or brake pads. When experiencing any one of these electric bike problems, it’s important to take the proper steps to diagnose and fix them quickly. This can involve checking the rear hub motor’s resistance, and the voltage level of the battery or making sure the brake pads are not worn out.

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