Max Range
18.6 miles / 30 km
Loading Weight
80 Kg
25.2 V , 2000 mAh
18.6 miles / 30 km
80 Kg
25.2 V , 2000 mAh
18.6 miles / 30 km
80 Kg
25.2 V , 2000 mAh
18.6 miles / 30 km
80 Kg
25.2 V , 2000 mAh
E-boards have high-powered motors which range from 250 watts to 1650 watts. These high-powered motors can carry riders at speeds of up to 25 MPH, making uphills a breeze.
Electric skateboards and electric Longboards come with built-in powerful lithium batteries that last up to 15 miles depending on the model, with average charge times of 3 hours.
The board is built with an 8-layer system from 7-layer maple and 1-layer bamboo to ensure durability and quality.
High-flying electric longboards and electric skateboards come with an innovative T bridge design which effectively absorbs shocks to guarantee a smooth daily commute.
Highflying e-boards and e-longboards and an effective hand-held remote which allows its users to break easily, control speeds, and reverse all in a push of a button
High-flying e-boards wheel features range from built-in shock absorption, 70 mm PU reinforced and high-quality corrosion-resistant materials to ensure strong rotation performance.
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